From Waitlist to Wow! Our Journey So Far

From Waitlist to Wow! Our Journey So Far

We're beyond thrilled to bring you up to speed on our journey (which so far feels like sitting in a rocket ship since things are moving so fast🚀). We've been busy like bees onboarding our first batch of beta testers from our waitlist (from this article you find out what is our strategy on onboarding users in batches), and let's just say the response has been nothing short of amazing. Our testers have been buzzing about our app to their friends, leading to a growth rate that's quicker than a rabbit on Red Bull (at least I think so)- we're talking excellent week-on-week organic, invite only growth! Also, the other important metric for us, retention has been easily above the industry benchmarks, so were are really on to something.

Let's take a deeper look what is happening and more importantly, why.

User feedback from early beta testers

Improving Based on User Feedback

We don't want to brag (okay, maybe just a little), but we have to give a big shoutout to our users. They've provided us with invaluable feedback, allowing us to make some incredible updates to our app. Our latest release features a smoother onboarding process and a brand spankin' new tab that showcases our hottest deals and offers.

Speaking of our new tab, let's dive a little deeper.

As we all probably know at this point, we are giving our users cash back from every purchase, not only the places with special offers. Still we wanted to highlight some of the best boosted offers we currently have to the app, so that users could really utilize the best saving opportunities. Our new featured offers tab showcases the hottest deals and offers in the app, making it even easier for user to find out the best deals. In the future the deals will be based on the users personal shopping behavior, so that we can guarantee that users will see only relevant offers.

Now the featured offers tab includes offers from brands like Shake Shack, Amazon, Quip, Ticketsmarter, Vuori and many more.

Soon we'll also add search function to make it even easier for users to find their favorite deals from the app.

Integrating More Offers

But wait, there's more! We're not stopping at here, even though we already have hundreds of offers of tens of thousands nationwide locations in the app. We've got our sights set on integrating over 60,000 online stores' offers into our app. That's more options than a kid in a candy store - and we're not even done yet. We can not even share you yet the best thing about these 60,000 online stores - but we can tell that utilizing these offers will be super super easy and convenient.

What's Next

We've got something pretty darn exciting in the works, but we don't want to give away too much just yet. All we can say is, prepare to be blown away. It's going to be bigger and better than a unicorn riding a rocket ship to the moon (enough startup references in one sentence?).

Thanks for joining us on this wild ride from waitlist stage to all the way to our soft launch. We couldn't have done it without you!


Team Benjamin

Ps. You can maybe catch us at South By Southwest!